Via Pontina km. 47,400
04011 Aprilia (LT)
tel.: +39.06.9282113
fax: +39.06.9281248

PALLAVICINO AURELIO agricultural company works in the Agro Romano and Agro Pontino areas.
It is specialized in the cultivation of watermelons and melons.
The cultural techniques that have been implemented and the constant monitoring on the production process guarantee a high organoleptic quality of fruits.
The cultivated soils are particularly rich in potassium, which gives to the ripe fruits a particular taste, more flavorful and sweeter.
The particularly suitable area, the implementation of integrated production disciplinaries and a continuous experimentation on a varietal choice, allow to get a final produce that reaches an average of 15/16 brix degrees with regard to melon and 11/12 brix degrees with regard to watermelon.
The particularly suitable area, the implementation of integrated production disciplinaries and a continuous experimentation on a varietal choice, allow to get a final produce that reaches an average of 15/16 brix degrees with regard to melon and 11/12 brix degrees with regard to watermelon.