Contrada Martino
89815 Francavilla Angitola (VV)
tel.: +39.0963.534994
tel.: +39.0963.264207
tel.: +39.0963.412074

It is among the biggest producers of the popular Red Onion of Tropea Calabria PGI (they can be fresh spring onions or dried onion that can be stored for longer periods) and this production represents their main activity: 90% of their available cultivated lands are indeed used for this culture.
The remaining 10% is partly used for activities concerning the entire supply chain process realization, that extends to the onions’ processing and commercialization, making them available on the market all year long.
The effort and devotion to work, as well as the strong calling of the area (Gulf of Lamezia) and the constant updating of the production techniques provided their results from the very beginning, transforming what used to be a little business in what it is today: one of the best agricultural company in the Calabrian agricultural sector.
The Red Onion of Tropea Calabria PGI is divided by the production regulations of the Protection Consortium into three main categories: rounded, long and half long. The management of the production is highly professional.
The dedicated lands are completely mulched in order to restrain infesting grass problems and to significantly reduce the use of herbicides.