The complaints, related to abuse type facts, offense or illegality in job ambit or related to and in contrast with social responsibility principles of SA8000 standard, can sent to:

Via Pontina km 47,400
04011 Aprilia (LT)
tel. +39.069282113
fax +39.069281248
email: sa8000@agrinsieme.com
Centro per l’Innovazione e lo Sviluppo Economico
Azienda Speciale Camera di Commercio della Romagna
Corso della Repubblica, 5
47121 Forlì (FC) – Italy
tel. +39.0543.713314
Fill in the following form, you can stay anonimous because there are not mandatory field.
The Social Performacne Team will evaluate your suggestion and will implement the necessary actions.
If you want informations and a reply for your suggestion, plase insert your email.